- Clear Voice Therapy - https://clearvoicetherapy.com -

About Us

Michele Fava CCC-SLP, owner and founder

I am a licensed and certified speech language pathologist. I have 30 years of experience working with patients of all ages in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient clinics and early intervention programs. Clear Voice Therapy, LLC was born in 2010 when I opened the doors to my private practice in Providence, RI.

During my early years as a speech therapist, I became acutely aware of the need to treat patients in holistic and hands-on manner. This realization followed personal healing experiences with physical therapy and manual therapy. As a result of this I was moved to do extensive training in this area. This training includes craniosacral therapy with the Upledger institute, and intensive studies in Integrated Structural Therapy with Trinity Seminars. These modalities are now integrated in to my approach to client care.


Specialized Training:

Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute: SEP Certificate- Professional Trauma Training (2016-2019)

Freeing your Voice with Yoga (Jurian Hughes E-RYT, YACEP, MFA October 2022)

Gender Affirming Voice Training (Sandy Hirsch MS CCC-SLP, Leah Helou PhD, CCC-SLP, Christie Block MS CCC-SLP, AC Goldberg PhD, CCC-SLP April 2022)

Estill Voice Training Level I for SLP’s (Mary McDonald Klimek MM, MS CCC-SLP January 2020)

EI-PVFM training for SLPS (Hadas Golan MS CCC SLP and Sharon Frank MS CCC SLP- Dec 2020)

Craniosacral Therapy for Cranial Nerves I (Upledger Institute – Karen Axelrod MS, CMT, CST-D March 2019)

The Body As Healer: New Advances in Trauma Treatment” with Peter Levine

VM1: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (Barral Institute) http://barralinstitute.com/

Positional Therapy Level I: Experiential approach to Strain-counterstrain and Muscle Energy Technique (Lee Albert)

Buteyko Course for Health professionals Level I (Hadas Golan, MS CCC-SLP) http://www.breatheon.com/about-us [1]

A Voice Therapy Spectrum-Basic Adult + area Advanced: Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice, Casper-Stone Confidential Flow Therapy (Dr. Katherine (Kittie) Verdolini Abbott; http://multivoicedimensions.org/)

Integrated Structural Therapy (Trinity Seminars [2]; Stephen Moran, D.P.T.)

IST II/Lumbar and Thoracic Spine, Ribcage and Thoracic Respiratory Mechanism
IST III/Cervical Spine, Cranium and Cranial Respiratory Mechanism
IST IV & V/The Viscera Part I & II
IST VI/Structural Energy
IST Advanced Cranial Therapy
IST for Voice and Swallowing I and II
IST for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
IST for the Sensory/Motor Connection
IST for Advanced Visceral

Myofascial Release I (John Barnes)

Craniosacral Therapy Level I, II and SER I (The Upledger Institute [3])

Level One PROMPT training https://promptinstitute.com/page/Families_What_is_PROMPT

“New Visions”>Mealtime Partners Workshop (New Visions [4]: Dr. Suzanne Evans Morris).

Progressive Oral Sensory-Motor Therapy (Charlotte A. Boshart)

Feeding Therapy: A sensory Motor Approach (Lori Ov(erland) Talk Tools/Innovative Therapists International

Apraxia of Speech: An Oral-Motor and Traditional Based Approach (Sara R. Johnson) Talk Tools/Innovative Therapists International

Management of Speech, Voice and Swallowing Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer Patients (Cathy Lazarus, Ph.D.)

New to Clear Voice Therapy:

Erika McKay CCC-SLP brings her training in dysphonia and dysphagia to our practice. She is certified in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy LOUD and the Speak Out! Program for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Erika is an approved provider for PhoRTE (Phonation Resistance Training Exercises) which is a program targeted particularly for those older patients with Presbyphonia. She is trained in the McNeill Dysphagia Therapy program (MDTP) which is a systematic exercise-based approach to dysphagia therapy in adults. In her spare time, Erika enjoys singing, trying new restaurants, going to the gym, and outdoor activities like kayaking, hiking, and bird-watching.
Erika is trained in Michele Fava’s Biodynamic Manual Voice Therapy Workshops levels 1 and 2, and is on track for certification in 2025. Erika is currently accepting new patients.